Hello Dan,
I'm not on Sangha Talk, but since you inadvertently posted your ongoing interpretation of the TinTin-like Shambhala cartoon to Announce,
thought I'd throw in a comment, surely worth no more than a few cents (no one seems to want to deal with pennies anymore, anyway ....).
My take on your interpretation of the frames of that comic is that you offer a highly personal response to and interpretation of the cartoon.
What are as much -- if not more -- interesting to me than the cartoon itself are the various interpretations that have been posted.
That's all they are ... clearly the cartoon leaves room for a wide range of interpretations, and most of these seem to reflect the viewers
mind more than any actual "reality". Since there are virtually no words in the strip, clearly, any thoughts put into the "minds" of the characters is our projection. Don't you think?
So, it seems some are taking the opportunity of the arising of this appearance, the cartoon, to voice their various opinions of Shambhala world,
the old school and the new school. And, if we return to the Prajñaparamita mantra, "Om gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha," then
everything that appears within the cartoon, and in response to it, is in the same boat, is subject to the same truth: "gone, gone, completely gone,
gone beyond." None of it is real, has origins, or will cease to be. It's all appearance-emptiness, isn't it? The begging practitioners actually are no
better than the colorful display of the parade. The onlookers of the parade don't look at all bewildered to me ... just coming out to see what is going on.
Things are as they are. The rest is interpretation. The trick is seeing the difference ... if there is one.
So, thanks for the colorful display of your mind as you have shared your analyses of a few images!
Best regards,
Gabrielle E
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