We apologize for my previous letter that was not very clear. We had just gotten back from our travels, and everything was very in haste. I will try to be more understandable. When Lyske found this cartoon attaching, it was from friends in our sangha, but it had no note or text with it which we expect comes from the Nova Scotia head offices and we would like to get the missing part. It is our curiosity, but may be important. (?)
We much appreciate the notes from Ms. Vincent and Mr. or Ms. Binny speaking of the teachings, and very well know the prajnaparamita mantra, and we can see the elephant with the king and queen and people on camels and other, but we are hoping this can be explained by something in writing that we somehow have missed, which can be more enlightening.
We much appreciate the notes from Ms. Vincent and Mr. or Ms. Binny speaking of the teachings, and very well know the prajnaparamita mantra, and we can see the elephant with the king and queen and people on camels and other, but we are hoping this can be explained by something in writing that we somehow have missed, which can be more enlightening.
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