Cartoon Question

Dear Friends,

We have sent to following email to Shambhala International. We will let you know what they tell us.

Gordi and Lyske Remi


Dear Shambhala International;

In searching for something explaining in text what is meant by the attached cartoon we have had the the advice that perhaps it can be part of one of your publications? If that is true, we are grateful if you can provide the entire story for which we will of course pay in Canadian dollars, if you will tell us how much is the cost. We cannot find it on your website, maybe because we are in Europe. Is it a page from a booklet with more Tin Tin cartoons? Thanks for any way in which you can enlighten us and our small group of Shamatha meditators out of our confusion about this.

With dharma regards, Gordi and Lyske Remi

Here is the site where we found it:

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